ศูนย์ทดสอบความชำนาญ แนส แล็ป สถาบันเทคโนโลยีแห่งเอเชีย News & Activities BY NATSLAB External Auditing for a competency assessment of Testing Laboratory... External Auditing for a competency assessment of Testing Labor... External Auditing for a competency assessment of Testing ... External Auditing for a competency assessment of Testing Laboratory at NATS LAB (29th - 30th Jan... AIT President Dr. Eden Woon was awarded “Thailand Organization Driv... AIT President Dr. Eden Woon was awarded “Thailand Organization... AIT President Dr. Eden Woon was awarded “Thailand Organiz... AIT President Dr. Eden Woon was awarded “Thailand Organization Driving the work of public toilet”... Training ISO/IEC 17043: 2010 (21st – 22nd October 2020) Training ISO/IEC 17043: 2010 (21st – 22nd October 2020) Training ISO/IEC 17043: 2010 (21st – 22nd October 2020) Training ISO/IEC 17043: 2010 (21st – 22nd October 2020)